2022 World Forum on Early Care and Education

World Forum Foundation

2022 World Forum on Early Care and Education

541 541 people viewed this event.

Join early childhood professionals and advocates from around the world for an informative and inspiring experience. Share stories, gain new perspectives, be provoked and challenged, visit early childhood centers, explore Orlando, dance, dine, network, and develop relationships with new friends from across the globe.
ƒ Immerse yourself in the unique “World Forum Experience”
ƒ Visit Early Childhood Centers to see ECE from a new perspective
ƒ Expose yourself to new ways of thinking in over 60 thought-provoking sessions on topics such as:
o Leadership
o Climate Change and Its Impact on Young Children
o Race & Equity Around the World
o Connecting Children to Nature
o Indigenous Education
o Children’s Rights

To register for this event please visit the following URL: http://[email protected]. →


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2022-05-16 to


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